Prom Attendance Agreement

Dress Code Guidelines

Formal attire is requested, such as a tuxedo, dress suit, or long gown. The fabric covering chests, genitals, and buttocks must be opaque.

The following types of clothing, items, accessories, and apparel are considered inappropriate for the co-op-sponsored dance environment:

  • Any clothing that exposes underwear, body parts, and skin in an indecent or vulgar manner 

  • Any clothing that substantially disrupts the school environment or causes safety concerns 

  • Any clothing that depicts profanity, drugs, violent images, or vulgarity in any form 

  • Any clothing that depicts sexually implicit or explicit images 

  • Any clothing that depicts gang-related images or affiliation

  • Cargo pants, sneakers, jeans/denim, khakis, t-shirts, torn clothing, chains/spikes, sexually implicit or explicit clothes, shorts, hats and head coverings, bandanas, or items referencing tobacco or alcohol products.

  • Athletic shoes.

Code of Conduct

The following are rules of expected behavior and etiquette. Failure to comply may result in expulsion from Prom.

  • Prom attendance is a privilege, subject to revocation should a student fail to comply with established reasonable conduct standards.

  • No PDA (Public Display of Affection)

  • No outside food, drinks, toothpaste, or mouthwash is allowed on the premises. No drinking alcoholic beverages before or during Prom.

  • No smoking or vaping is allowed on the premises, inside or outside the facility.

  • No wandering beyond approved areas. Dock areas will be chaperoned, and acceptable behavior will be required. If you need something from your car, a chaperone must escort you. 

  • Any student suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be removed from the dance immediately, and their parent/guardian will be contacted to pick them up.

  • Please refrain from dancing that appears to “simulate sex” or “grinding” 

  • You must check out when you leave the event, or parents will be contacted. Once you leave prom, you may not return.

  • Prescriptions or over-the-counter medications are found; they will be placed in a bag marked with my name and will be available from a chaperone during the evening if needed.

  • ANY unidentifiable, illegal, and/or banned items found will be confiscated and identified with my name. Parents will be contacted, and I will not be allowed to attend the party.