About Us
At LTL, you will find community.
Whatever you do, you should “work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters… It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”
Learn Together Lowcountry is a homeschool co-op that is a ministry of Grace Coastal Church. We are a parent-led homeschool co-op with group instruction and private tutoring for local homeschoolers ages 0-19. Enrollment is currently at 200+.
We hope that you will find a higher standard in the organization of our program, the quality of our teaching, and the intentionality in every detail.
Learn Together Lowcountry operates on Fridays for two semesters per year. Parents work together to create a hands-on learning environment in order to provide options that are group or expertise-oriented.
We operate through the not-for-profit 501(C)(3) Grace Coastal Church.
What’s A Homeschool Coop?
Learn Together Lowcountry (LTL) is a true homeschool cooperative, also known as a homeschool coop or co-op. Parents work together to offer homeschool classes with a hands-on learning environment in order to provide expertise-oriented group instruction, but remain privately responsible for their children’s education.
LTL offers group instruction and private tutoring for homeschoolers on twelve Fridays each fall and spring (September - December and January - April). Middle and high school teachers offer assistance with class credits.
Homeschool classes, workshops, nursery, playtime opportunities, bible instruction, and special events are offered for local homeschooled children, ages 0-19. LTL also offers private tutoring and music lessons.
At LTL homeschool co-op you will find a community of engaged homeschooling families gathering once per week during the school year to help our children learn and grow in a community setting. Join us.
You will find classes, workshops, nursery, playtime opportunities, tutoring, bible instruction, and events for all ages.
“Homeschooling can be challenging, but with a vibrant community behind you, it becomes rewarding. Let’s learn together!”
— Hannah, Director of Learn Together Lowcountry