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LTL Valentine Exchange Box Contest

  • Learn Together Lowcountry 15 Williams Dr Okatie United States (map)

Show off your creativity in our Valentine Box Contest. Drop some Valentines in your pal’s boxes. No need to rsvp - just come and enter your creative box!

We recommend that parents bring treats* and Valentines for students to share with friends (a standard box of 24 cards is the perfect number to bring). Instead of sharing class lists, we ask that you write “to my friend” on the card to make your life easier. Then, your student can drop treats into boxes for friends (easy to find in your child’s age group area). *treats are not necessary, just cards if your student chooses to participate

The Valentine Box Contest portion of the day is optional. If you don't want to make a box, you can bring a shoe box, store-bought box, gift bag, etc. We also have some on hand if you forget one. If you wish to participate:

  1. Get creative and make your box at home.

  2. Bring it to co-op and place it in the section marked with your age group.

  3. Judges will report winners to the check-out desk (or find you if possible) to award you if you win in your age division. Judging will take place at 10:30 (to be awarded at lunch) and at 1:00 (to be awarded at 1:30).

February 14

LTL Spring Semester Week 5

February 14

Bookmobile: Library on Wheels